Causes of Low AMH Levels

When a woman is born, she already carries a lifetime package of eggs (approximately 1-2 million.) The eggs are stored inside the follicles of the ovaries. As a woman ages, the number of follicles (eggs) decreases gradually.
The egg quantity in your ovaries is also called “Ovarian Reserve” in medical terms. The ovarian reserve gauges your chances of natural pregnancy. By the time you hit puberty, you have a limited supply of eggs. However, with such a gradual decrease, it can be challenging to maintain an optimal ovarian reserve.
Low AMH levels can be due to diet, routine, genetics, or environment. Whatever the cause is, it is wise to get an AMH test to analyse the count of eggs you are left with. This article explains some common and preventable causes of low AMH levels.
What is an Anti-Mullerian Hormone?
Anti-Mullerian Hormone is an abbreviation of AMH. The AMH is a glycoprotein hormone acting as a creditable maker that shows women’s quantitative state of eggs. The AMH levels determine the pregnancy chances in a woman.
What Do Different AMH Levels Show?
The AMH level varies from age to age. Be mindful that it is normal to have changes in your AMH level for a short time. You can go for an AMH test to know your AMH level. Here is what each level indicates;
- AMH level below 0.5 ng/mL – Very low
- AMH level below 1ng/mL – Poor
- AMH level ranging from 1.2 to 3.5 ng/mL – Normal
- AMH level of more than 2 ng/mL – Healthy
- AMH level from 3.6 to 4.0 ng/mL – High
- AMH level of more than 4.0 ng/mL – Very High

Common Causes of Low AMH Levels
The AMH test measures your Anti-Mullerian hormone level of the follicles (egg) quantity in your ovaries. The ovarian reserve tends to deplete as you cross your mid-30s. You almost become infertile by the time you are 40 or above. There are various causes of why you have low AMH levels. But age is the biggest factor that plays a huge role in lowering the AMH level.
Age is the most common cause behind low AMH levels. Every woman is born with a complete supply of eggs for her lifetime. As a woman ages, these eggs naturally grow or die in the ovulation cycle until menopause.
Hence, ovarian reserve decreases as you get older. And by age 35-40, your chances of natural pregnancy also reduce.
Unhealthy Diet
Food that is processed and rich in fat is another primary reason for low AMH levels. Unhealthy food consumption can lead to obesity and hormonal disbalance – further affecting your menstrual cycle. We recommend eating omega-3-rich foods instead of fat. Adding vitamin D into your diet is another excellent option to maintain healthy AMH levels.
Extreme Stress
Poor mental health is the most significant cause of having prolonged low AMH levels. If you have higher anxiety or stress levels, it can profoundly impact your Anti-mullerian hormone. Practising some yoga and regular exercise can help you manage stress.
Other Causes for Low AMH Levels
Apart from these three primary causes, here is a list of other common reasons to look out for in low AMH levels
- Endometriosis
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
- Genetic Mutation
- Smoking or alcohol consumption
- .Vitamin D deficiency
- Chemotherapy
- Hormone replacement therapy
Final Words
There are various treatment options and natural ways to increase your AMH levels. However, it is best to consult a doctor to determine the leading cause of your low AMH level to devise the perfect plan to increase it.

Brande is a local news writer with a passion for capturing the essence of small communities, highlighting events and stories that shape everyday life.