Protect Your Immune System in Winter

If you are thinking about protecting yourself from the common cold, the main concern of all of us is how to protect your immune system in winter. It can be very easy for us in the summer to take a Vitamin C pill every day and for some people this does the trick, but our body can’t cope with the stress of the winter months. When we think about winter sickness, we may think about those that get sick frequently in winter and it can be quite irritating if you have a family member that is prone to catching colds or flu. If you want to know how to protect your immune system in winter, you need to make sure that you don’t weaken your body by taking unnecessary drugs or using weak medications. Instead, there are many other more natural methods of boosting your immunity.
Vitamin C is a good vitamin to take during the winter, as long as you don’t overdo it. Try taking 30 grams of Vitamin C supplements during January and February every day. This will give your immune system a well needed boost and protect it against the common colds and flu. As well as Vitamin C, orange juice is also good to take when you feel you are not getting enough Vitamin C through food. Drinking two glasses of orange juice a day has been shown to help boost the immune system, fight infections and boost energy.
In addition to Vitamin C, you also need to start taking zinc supplements. Zinc helps to build up your immune system and is especially important during winter time as our bodies try to fight off the common cold. You should take a zinc tablet during the winter months and then take a supplement afterwards. You can also find zinc supplements at local drugstores and health stores. Make sure that you buy the purest you can find to avoid buying cheaper tablets which will not provide you with as much benefit.
Sleep is one of the best ways to boost your immune system. It is when we are sleeping that the body releases the chemicals necessary for fighting off infections and disease. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will not be able to release these hormones and could weaken your immune system over time.
During the winter, avoid stressful situations. Take a lot of time out from work to clear your mind. This will help to reduce your stress levels. Try to clear your home of any clutter that could cause you to stress out. Clean your home and office and make sure that you leave absolutely nothing behind.
If you cannot avoid stress, you can take advantage of the many techniques and tips available on the World Wide Web to help you during the winter months. There is a whole range of information available that will help you get through the cold winter months. Natural remedies are also widely available and some people swear by homoeopathic remedies. Before using any homoeopathic or natural remedies, check with your doctor to ensure that they are safe for you. Most will not cause side effects and will boost your immune system without causing any health risks. Winter is a great time to take control of your health and protect your immune system in winter.

Brande is a local news writer with a passion for capturing the essence of small communities, highlighting events and stories that shape everyday life.